Sunday, November 08, 2009

Martial arts musing

When I started back to martial arts this month, I decided that come hell or high water, I was NOT going to make any excuses for not going.  I've made two classes so far and feel pretty good about it.  I have class twice a week.  Last week we worked on the elements of Tang Soo Do and the animals of Tang Soo Do.  It was fascinating to think of the forms in terms of an element or of an animal.  I hadn't ever learned to do that before!!  Let me tell you, I found myself thinking about class a lot more than I have been in the past.
I had to take notes instead of practicing the falls on Thursday because
I'm still fighting with this stupid pinched nerve in my neck/shoulder.  It's driving me nuts because I'll think I can do something and then I stress it out again.  I'm not the best patient.  I'm IMpatient and want to be able to do what I've been doing.

I have a sheet of the terminology used in class that I am now studying so that I can become more familiar with the Korean.  I find it interesting that I've already integrated some of the terms into my thought processes.  I may not be an expert, but repetition is a good thing.  I need to have more confidence in myself though.  When an instructor calls a technique, I should be confident that I know it instead of panicking and thinking "I don't know that".  I've got a goal to learn terminology by the end of this year.  I think it's highly do-able.  I just need to sit down and study like my do.  I have homework too.  In fact, today, I'm going to sit down and study.  It's on my agenda!!

This is the start of another busy week.  I'm going to attend both of my classes this week and throw myself into learning.  There is no reason for me not to.  I enjoy taking classes and I truly enjoy learning.  I just need to put it all together and I'll be set.

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