Sunday, October 26, 2008

Long weekend!

I spent most of Saturday on my feet. I was at camp with my son at a Cub Scout camp-out. We started out on Saturday, at 9:00 am. Our evening ended at 10:00 pm when we finally fell into bed. It was a lot of walking from activity to activity. Time to sit down were few and far between. I don't know how far we walked...I didn't have a pedometer on. I DO know I walked enough to rub blisters on both of my big toes. I told my son that I needed to take the time to get a good pair of shoes that fits right. I will do that too. I think I learned a hard lesson.
I haven't done a lot today since we got home. I made it upstairs and crashed. I've been resting since.

Since I did so much walking yesterday, I won't be doing any walking tomorrow. If I get a new pair of shoes tomorrow, which is under consideration, I will walk on Tuesday. Of course, I have to make sure that I have good padding in the form of new shoes and thick socks!

1 comment:

Ikigai said...

I know what you mean. I spent the past 3 days at a conference, standing and walking the whole time. I realized by the end that I should have invested in extra soles or something, because yowch.

Lovin the blog here, keep it up!